Friday 1 April 2011

Writing Assignment #1: Fate or Free Will - Jake

Although I have not seen it yet, I came across a film called "The Adjustment Bureau" while watching T.V. the other day. It is a recently produced film, starring Matt Damon and Emily Blunt. It is about a man who catches a glimpse of his future and realizes he does not want what fate has planned for him. Instead he wants "something else". In order to get that "something else", he must pursue the only girl he has ever loved. As he does this, mysterious men contrive to keep the man and woman apart. As you may have noticed, I've posted the YouTube link to this movie's trailer below. Anyways, I thought this film was directly correlated with one of the universal questions of mankind: "Do you decide your future, or is it planned out for you from the beginning? (Fate or free will?)".
 Personally, I believe in fate. I think that your life is on a certain path that you were meant to be on from the beginning. No matter how you try to change this path, it is inevidable. I believe that if you were to try and change it, that would be part of the path you are on. For the most part, Billy does not try to change his fate. He is very laxidasical, carefree, and doesn't seem to care about his life. However, he tries to change his path near the end of his life by telling the world about the Tralfamadorians. Although Vonnegut does not mention the public reaction to Billy's speech and radio show, I assume not many people did not believe Billy and ultimately, the change that Billy attempted to make did not make much of a difference in the world and the path that his life was on. This shows that Vonnegut probably believes in the same way as I do.

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