Monday 18 April 2011

aaron wang <3

hes a beautiful boy no doubt about it
and from a beautiful boy came a beautiful blog
ever since i first saw aarons blog i was in love with it
everything about it i appreciate
and thats why i decided to do my last entry on his blog!

lets begin
aarons thoughts on the censorship of books mirror mine exactly
in almost every respect, i agree with his comments and im quite impressed with the quality of his arguments
the letter by ulga hoffstadder i thought was very effective for the post
it was completely absurd and it made me question people and what they valued in literature
i think its disgusting that anyone might ever write a letter like that about green eggs and ham!
after reading the post, it is apparent that aaron feels the same way
he focuses on parents and their paranoia, which i agree is probably the largest contributor to banned books in north america
when aaron continues by comparing books to other more modern forms of entertainment, he underlines the overreactions being made over the former
there are terrible things being shown on tv and in movies and on the internet but they hardly get the same treatment as a controversial book
aaron really gets into it when he points out that the unbiased nature of literature would be lost through censorship
he states that if all controversial topics were banned, only an unfair and partial sample of ideas would be available
english is supposed to be a field where any idea may be expressed, but censorship really undermines that objectivity
aarons excellent use of examples and well thought out arguments are why i feel this is a fantastic post

aarons post titled knowledge = no knowledge was a post i enjoyed very much
there are several things i like about it
first of all, this was my runner up quote for my own blog
i very much wanted to do write about this quote but ended up choosing the one about semicolons
this topic is interesting to me because im someone who absolutely loves learning
i know many people dont understand that, but its true
i love to learn
that fact is why i actually enjoy going to 8 of my 9 classes everyday
its why i research things at home and read books and ask questions
naturally, i found this idea of knowledge being a measure of wealth interesting
so yeah, the topic itself was the first reason i enjoyed the post

in addition, aaron constantly asked questions throughout this post
they werent short easy to answer poorly thought out questions
these questions were advanced and thought provoking and deep inquiries that made me pause for long periods of time to think
i think its safe to say that any blog post that leaves the reader deep in intense thought qualifies as an excellent piece of writing

the quote in the middle of the post also got me thinking
i would not have remembered that quote if it had been me writing, and i think the quote proves exactly what aaron was saying
it's an exceptionally effective quote and i think it really strengthened his argument
not only that but the quote he ended with was thought provoking
i do wish he had indicated who said it, but i suppose i can always ask him in person
i think thats the only thing i didnt like about the ending quote

and of course, who could not appreciate the paranthesized comments and connections?
all of those related topics again made me pause and think
occassionally id have to stop and look one up, which would lead me down many more paths of learning and thinking

my favorite post on aarons blog is definitely aaron wang: boy genius
this was his 4th assignment, the warped narrative one
the first thing i noticed about the post was the voice
while reading i can hear aaron as if hes sitting next to me in chemistry ignoring mrs zuk and reading the post aloud
thats how awesome it is
aaron makes his mark in his writing in an unmistakable way
now once i was smiling like an idiot (because who doesnt smile when they think about aaron wang?) i got down to actually reading
in the first paragraph i particularly enjoyed the comment about name age and counting by two
i think this captured vonneguts style very well as when billy is introduced, vonnegut does something very similar
all of billys irrelevant background information is shared at the start of the novel
aaron mimics this style very well, it left me quite impressed

in the following paragraph, aaron's way of phrasing the cutting and observation of blood left me with vivid images in my head
i was able to feel exactly like a 6 year old would
he captured the thought process of a child very well, and this realistic description made my imagination construct a perfect setting
again, aaron imitates vonnegut well, as vonnegut also uses very fitting descriptions to make a scene come alive in my head
a great example of this was when vonnegut described how reproduction was not the main business of the evening
that line completed the scene for me and it felt as if vonnegut captured the moment perfectly

the following paragraph about aaron in the car made me once again feel as if aaron were right next to me
r stands for really fast was the written version of aarons personality i feel
as an aside, i liked the entire storys plot changes and transitions
this was the first time the plot changed so thats why i mentioned it now

now in the next paragraph, again aaron imitates vonneguts style very well
the description of ellen screams vonnegut in my opinion
the change into hamzehs bio class followed by the charlie and the chocolate factory pondering amused me
i thought the post ended excellently
it reminded me of both aaron and vonnegut
vonnegut ends slaughterhouse five with poo-tee-weet
both endings have very little to do with the actual story
it reminds me of aaron because, well, aaron would think of something like that
fabulous post in my opinion, id give it a gold star anyday


aaron wang is a brilliant writer and an excellent blogger
i really enjoyed going through his posts and checking his blog whenever i could
he did a fantastic job and i very much liked going through his posts and offering my opinion on them

so i guess this is my last post

- jakevin

ps this felt like writing the longest report card comment ever

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