Thursday 31 March 2011

public class English{
    static HashTable<String> sentences = new HashTable<String>();   

    private static BlogPost<String> createPost(int assignnum){
        String quote = "
            Here is a lesson in creative writing. First rule: Do not use semicolons.
            They are transvestite hermaphrodites representing absolutely nothing.
            All they do is show you've been to college.";

        BlogPost<String> post = ""


        post += "semicolons are transvestite hermaphrodites according to vonnegut\n";
        post += "other than showing that youve gone to college, they are useless\n";
        post += "i sort of agree with vonnegut\n";
        post += "the semicolon is indeed one of the more advanced types of punctuation\n";
        post += "not only that, but using it definitely does show off intelligence\n";
        post += "i mean you can still get your message across without semicolons\n";
        post += "really, they arent even close to being necessary\n";
        post += "periods and apostrophes are used much more often than semicolons yet apparently even those arent necessary\n";
        post += "strange that semicolons exist if theyre not a necessity\n";
        post += "while perhaps sometimes a writer might find it advantagous to use one, there has to be an alternate way of saying what needs to be said\n";
        post += "yeah in english, in writing, theyre useless\n";
        post += "and of course vonnegut agrees, he doesnt use them in his writing at all\n";
        post += "his humorous quote and his writing match up\n";

        post += "theres more to the quote than just semicolons though\n";
        post += "vonnegut is saying that people need to cut out all of the meaningless fluff\n";
        post += "he is very strict about that idea in his writing, as he is extremely brief when he writes\n";
        post += "the plot can go forward by a huge amount in 2 sentences\n";
        post += "some of his words are longer than his sentences (for example, tralfamadore and so it goes)\n";
        post += "i think its pretty neat that a quote like that can speak so much about his writing style\n";
        post += "that underlines even more his desire to get the point across quickly, and shows his skill at doing it\n";
        post += "i must agree with him on getting rid of all the unnecessary junk\n";
        post += "ive been told that i am very blunt and to the point and due to that i can relate to vonnegut\n";
        post += "usually im more concise orally than in written work\n";
        post += "usually\n";

        post += "ps i still like semicolons, just not in english (comp sci anyone?)\n";
        return post.contains(transvestitehermaphrodite) ? post: null;

    public static void main(String[] args){
            System.out.println("Hello world! Check out my latest blogpost below: \n%s",createPost(2));

- jakevin

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